A Guide to Buying New TYres

18 December 2017
 Categories: Automotive, Blog


Many motorists underestimate the importance of their vehicles' tyres. Tyres are the primary safety feature of your vehicle. No matter how effective your break pads are, how innovative your engine is or how advanced your interior is designed, you still need high-quality tyres to make everything come together.

Over time, tyres get worn out and lose their treading. When it is time to buy new tyres for your vehicle, mechanics typically offer useful tips for selecting the best choices at the most affordable choice. Here are some of the most useful tips that mechanics offer to their customers behind closed doors when they're contemplating tyre replacement.

Selecting the right size

The most important factor to consider is the size for your tyres. Tyres of the right size ensure that the vehicle is in proper alignment and gives you the best control while on the road.

When purchasing new tyres, consider their diameter, load rating, speed rating and weather requirements. Your new tyres should closely match the specifications of your previous factory tyres, unless you're going for a customized look. In such cases, mechanics can help you select the best specifications for your customization purposes.

Selecting the right dealer

There are many different places that sell new tyres. The challenge for motorists is identifying the best dealer who will offer high quality and affordable pricing. The vehicle dealership may offer quality tyres.

A good idea is to work with local mechanics in your area to determine the best technician to purchase your new tyres from. Mechanics offer competitive pricing and can also equip your vehicle with high quality tyres. Seek recommendations from friends and family, and do your research as well.

Selecting tyres that match your driving habits

Some motorists regularly drive over long distances, while others go through rough roads and adverse weather conditions. You should identify what your specific driving needs are and consult your mechanic about the best tyres to get.

You may need tyres with more durable treading if you drive across rough roads or long distances. 

Considering fuel consumption

Not all tyres perform the same in terms of fuel economy. While some tyres enable motorists to save on costs at the pump, they do so at the expense of performance and mileage. The opposite is also true, where tyres that may end up consuming more fuel allow for superior performance and flexibility.

Mechanics can help you determine the best tyres to suit your specific preferences when it comes to fuel consumption.